Floral formula:
Floral Diagram:
Features / Characteristics:
** Androcium :- Monoadelphous
** Another :- Monothecous
** Gynoceium :- Polycarpellary
** Syncarpous but stigma free
** Axile Placentation
Examples :
{1} Food :- okra/bhindi (lady finger) or abelmoscus esculentus Or hibiscus asculentus used as vegetables.
{2} Oil :- obtained from cotton seed
*** musk seeds oil obtained from hibiscus abelmoscus seeds.
{3} Fibres :- cotton - Gossypium
{4} Ornamentals :- China Rose (Shoe flower)
{5} Vitamins :- Gossypium seed are rich in vit. A, D, E and B-complex.
*** China Rose(Shoe flower) or Hibiscus rosasinenis :- Red shoe polish is obtained from petals of this plant.