Plant Kingdom -for Neet (NCERT) and Class 11th students.
Anyone can study these below short notes either Neet aspirant (for Quick Revision) or 11th Class Student {Plant Kingdom}
1) Artificial System :- based on very few characters, it gave equal weightage to vegetative and reproductive character. Eg:- two kingdom Classification
2) Natural System :- It considered external and internal features, ultra structure, anatomy embroyology, phytochemistry. Eg:- Benthem and Hooker
3) Phylogenetics :- It is about evolutionary Relationships. Based on :
a) cytotaxonomy :- Cell information like Chromosome No. , Str. Etc.
b) Chemotaxonomy :- Uses Chemicals of Plants for Classification.
c) Numerical Taxonomy:- It uses Computers, based on all observable traits and all characters are given equal importance
* Half of total Co2 fixation is done by algae
* Porphyra, Laminaria and Sargasum are among 70 species of marine algae that are edible
* They form hydrocolloids(water holding substances) eg:- Algin in Brown Algae and Carrageen in Red Algae.
* Chlorella is used as food supplement even by space travellers
* Agar is used by Gelidium and Gracilaria to grow microbes and makes ice cream and jellies.
* Reproduction is Asexual(mostly by Zoospores) And Sexual (by Gametes)
Sexual Reproduction is of three types (1) Isogamous (Ulothrix and Spirogyra) (2) Anisogamous(Eudorina) (3) Oogamius (Volvox and Ulothrix).
1} Chlorophycae(Green Algae) :-
* Pigment :- chl. a and b
* shape of chloroplast is discoid, plate like, cup like, ribbon shaped and spiral
* Stored food :- Starch
* Cell Wall :- Inner Layer (Cellulose) and outer Layer ( Pectose)
* Pyrenoids :- inside protein and outside starch
** eg. :- Chlamydomonas, Volvox, Ulothrix, Spirogyra, Chara, Chlorella, cladophora.
2} Pheophycae (Brown Algae) :-
* pigments :- Chl.a, chl.c, Caretenoid and Fucoxanthin.
*colour:- olive green to various shades of brown
* stored food :- Laminarin and mannitol
*Both Gametes and Zoospores are pear shaped and have 2 laterally attached flagella
** eg. :- Ectocarpus, Dictyota, Laminaria, Sargassum, Fuccus and Kelp
3} Rhodophyceae ( Red Algae) :-
* Pigment:- chl.a, chl.d, and r-phycoerythrin
* stored food :- floridean starch
* only oogamous gametes are present
** eg. :- Polysiphonia, Porphyra, Gracilaria and Gelidium.
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By :- Educational Learning Knowledge